Friday, February 13, 2009

Years In The Making! finally happened.  I've officially outlived many of my peers!  I want to thank everyone past and present who have made me the person I am today.  The day was nearly perfect.  I wish more people from my past would have been able to make it.  I spoke about only three of my mentors from the past...mostly because I thought my 8-page speech was already too long.  But really, I just talked about MSgts, since that is the grade I was being promoted to.  I don't have the speech with me right now, but if you'd like to read my thoughts on the importance of being an NCO, send me an e-mail and I'll send it to you.  Here are a few pics from the day.  Enjoy!

Top Leftt: MAJ Bryant preparing to re-affirm my oath of enlistment.  Almost every pic of me, my eyes were closed.
Top Right: My boss, Retired Navy Chief, Keith Boydston making me an honorary Navy Chief.
Bottom:  The entire family tacking on my new rank.  Ollie and Maddy were happy to be able to "hit" me.

Me trying to read my speech.  I had to skip the first page.  It was all about Shelly and the kids.  I was in tears from the first word.  Shelly said she was happy I skipped it, because she started to cry too.  Ollie was more interested in his awesome shoes with flames on them.  I wish they fit me!  I think I would look cool in flame shoes.
That is Daddy Eagle...aka, Bill Hickman...friend and mentor giving me "much love."  The best part about promotions...CAKE!

We are doing great living La Dolce Vida in Italy!